DXC Technology

ServiceNow Consultant

Join DXC Technology as a ServiceNow Consultant in Rome. Requires a technical degree, ServiceNow experience, and ITSM/HR knowledge. Remote work available.

Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Job Level - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Entry Level
ServiceNow Role Type:
ServiceNow Modules:
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
IT Service Management
ServiceNow Certifications (nice to have):
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Certified Implementation Specialist - IT Service Management

Job description

Date - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Posted on:
November 7, 2023

We are looking for a ServiceNow Consultant to join our Italian team, supporting clients and contributing to delivery activities.


  • Technical Degree (may include highly experienced candidates non-degreed or degreed in an unrelated field)
  • Professional experiences on Service Now Platform
  • Deep Knowledge of ServiceNow ITSM or ServiceNow HR


  • remote work possibility

Requirements Summary

Technical degree, ServiceNow experience, deep knowledge of ServiceNow ITSM or HR