Infrastructure Engineer Sr - ServiceNow

Join INTEGRIS Health as a Senior Infrastructure Engineer - ServiceNow in Oklahoma City. Requires 7-10 years of IT experience. Enjoy great benefits!

Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Job Level - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
ServiceNow Role Type:
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Support Specialist
ServiceNow Modules:
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Virtual Agent
ServiceNow Certifications (nice to have):

Job description

Date - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Posted on:
March 4, 2025

Senior Infrastructure Engineer Sr. - ServiceNow position available at INTEGRIS Health in Oklahoma City, OK. The role involves providing technical support and infrastructure implementation, automation, and maintenance activities. The successful candidate will have a mid-level understanding of IT infrastructure components and be able to mentor junior team members.


  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field
  • 7-10 years of experience in IT infrastructure engineering
  • Experience with ServiceNow
  • Strong understanding of IT infrastructure components
  • Ability to mentor junior team members


  • Front-loaded PTO
  • 100% INTEGRIS Health paid short term disability
  • Increased retirement match
  • Paid family leave

Requirements Summary

7-10 years of experience in IT infrastructure engineering, strong understanding of IT infrastructure components, and ability to mentor junior team members