Career Guidant

Servicenow Developer

Join Career Guidant as a ServiceNow Developer in Newark, NJ. Requires 3+ years in requirements and 2+ years in ServiceNow. Competitive benefits offered.

Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Job Level - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
ServiceNow Role Type:
ServiceNow Modules:
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Configuration Management Database
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Integration Hub
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Service Portal
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Virtual Agent
ServiceNow Certifications (nice to have):

Job description

Date - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Posted on:
April 5, 2017

Career Guidant is seeking a Servicenow Developer with at least 3 years of experience in creating requirement specifications and 2 years of experience in ServiceNow skills. The ideal candidate will have experience with JavaScript framework like angular.js, Jelly Scripting, CMS, Service Portal, and implementing Asset Management, CMDB, Orchestration, PPM etc. The job entails sitting and working at a computer for extended periods of time and may require travel.


  • At least 3 years of experience in creating requirement specifications based on Architecture/Design /Detailing of Processes
  • At least 2 years of experience in SeerviceNow Skills
  • Experience with JavaScript framework like angular.js
  • Experience in Jelly Scripting, CMS, Service Portal
  • Experience implementing Asset Management, CMDB, Orchestration, PPM etc.
  • Experience in configuring LDAP, SSO, VPN provisioning for ServiceNow
  • Hands on ServiceNow integration experience using Web Service, SOAP /REST.
  • An appreciation of supporting production systems and end users.
  • Passion to work in Enterprise Applications area
  • At least 1 years of experience in Development/ Configuration/solutions evaluation/ Validation and deployment
  • Analytical and Communication skills
  • Planning and Co-ordination skills
  • Experience with project management
  • Experience and desire to work in a management consulting environment that requires regular travel

Requirements Summary

Bachelor's degree or 4 years of experience in IT Infrastructure Skills, 3+ years of experience in creating requirement specifications, 2+ years of experience in ServiceNow skills