Booz Allen Hamilton

ServiceNow Test Manager

Join Booz Allen Hamilton as a ServiceNow Test Manager in Chantilly, VA. Lead software testing for DoD projects, requiring 3+ years in development and TS/SCI clearance. Enjoy comprehensive benefits.

Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Job Level - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
ServiceNow Role Type:
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Application Developer
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
System Administrator
ServiceNow Modules:
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Virtual Agent
ServiceNow Certifications (nice to have):
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Certified System Administrator

Job description

Date - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Posted on:
February 4, 2025

We are seeking a knowledgeable test engineer to work with developers to evaluate software developed for a DoD organization, develop comprehensive test plans, and support the development team.


  • 3+ years of experience in software development
  • Experience with automation tools, such as ServiceNow Automated Test Framework (ATF)
  • Experience with SDLC methodologies, such as Agile, Kanban and Scrum
  • Experience with API testing, such as SOAP or REST
  • Knowledge of testing techniques
  • Knowledge of how to build reusable code in JavaScript, including writing comprehensive tests to ensure code coverage
  • Ability to troubleshoot complex issues
  • TS/SCI clearance with a polygraph
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Ability to obtain a ServiceNow Certified Systems Administration (CSA) certification within 6 months of start date


  • Health, life, disability, financial, and retirement benefits
  • Paid leave
  • Professional development
  • Tuition assistance
  • Work-life programs
  • Dependent care

Requirements Summary

3+ years of software development experience, knowledge of testing techniques, and ability to troubleshoot complex issues