Excyl Inc

Sr DevOps Engineer

Join Excyl Inc as a Sr DevOps Engineer in Owings Mills, MD. Requires 6+ years in DevOps, Docker, Java, and CI/CD. Competitive benefits offered.

Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Job Level - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
ServiceNow Role Type:
ServiceNow Modules:
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Department - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Virtual Agent
ServiceNow Certifications (nice to have):

Job description

Date - JobBoardly X Webflow Template
Posted on:
May 24, 2023

Excyl is seeking a Sr DevOps Engineer for a long-term contract position. The ideal candidate will have 6+ years of experience with containerization, Docker, Java programming, and DevOps tools. The role will involve integrating AWS codepipeline with ServiceNow and BitBucket APIs, building CICD pipelines using AWS cloudformation, and developing infrastructure as Code using Cloud formation YAML/JSON.


  • 6+ years of development experience with containerization and Docker
  • 6+ years of experience with container orchestration (Kubernetes, AWS ECS or AWS EKS)
  • 10+ years of experience with Java programming and REST service development
  • 6+ years of experience with microservice frameworks like Spring Boot
  • 6+ years of experience with DevOps tools (Git/Bitbucket, JIRA, Jenkins)
  • 6+ years of experience with code quality tools (SonarQube, Checkmarx)
  • 6+ years of experience with CI-CD and blue-green deployments

Requirements Summary

6+ years of experience with containerization, Java programming, and DevOps tools. Deep experience with Kubernetes and Spring Boot. Significant experience with code quality tools and CI-CD